Friday, January 15, 2010

Day was dreadful, but lots of love still sloshing around.

Caelyn was very cross with Wendy for flooding the house.  It was the last straw on a particularly vile day.  Wendy was pleased when Josie and I arrived because we weren't part of the disaster.  I spent a fair bit of time with her, and Caelyn is planning on some special time with her after Teresa Jayne falls asleep.  Thing is that poor Caelyn is completely exhausted.  She needs some time off so that she can allow herself to be replenished, and thats not easy with little ones.  She needs a complete rest because she doesn't look too well. 

Anyway, what I was saying before I distracted myself is that Caelyn and Wendy have a good relationship, so upsets are quickly resolved.  This photo shows Wendy playing in her kitchen, happy as anything, even though she had been scolded for flooding the house.  She didn't take it to heart.


Teresa Jayne was having a lot of fun with some winter woolly hats my mum had knitted for the little girls.  She didn't want to wear it, but thought it made a marvellous toy.


See how straight she is standing up?  And she is only 8 months old.


Mum and Baby having a much needed light moment.


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