Sunday, September 06, 2009

Our Weekend

On Friday, Caelyn and Nigel brought the children to me to look after while they paid bills in town. Terrie was longing to see them but her chest is so bad she hasn't been able to get out, so the kids and I went to Terrie's house. Nigel took his ladies in the car, and Brak and I went by Beast.

Terrie made us some spaghetti bolognaise and played with Wendy. She has four stairs leading down to her loo and there is a very wide banister that Wendy had great fun sliding down. Unfortunately for him, Brak went to see what was going on, and she was so pleased to see her mate that she grabbed him and tried to get him to slide down the banister too!

Here is a doctored photo of him that I took in Terrie's flat:

When Caelyn and Nigel picked the kids up, I went to see Michelle in her new flat. The poor kid was very unwell with sinusitis and bronchitis. Get well soon, dear.

Sean came yesterday as usual, and we went to Mass. After that, he and I went to Giovanni's for a delicious supper. Unfortunately, we had coffee which kept us up until 02h30! Sean was surfing the net, and I kid you not. He was looking up stuff on google after he emailed my brother Steve.

Steve has injured his back quite badly but he is under the care of competent doctors in Australia. He is on slow release morphine and the doctor seems to think it will clear up in 10 weeks or so. His wife's son Rob is staying with him while Margaret goes to work, as he is still pretty immobile.

We woke just after 08h00 and couldn't go back to sleep, so we went out for breakfast. We picked Wendy up just before 2pm and we went blackberry picking, then to Lathe Barn, then back home to make blackberry and apple crumble. Sean took her home at about 7.30pm. We were all exhausted by then. Playing with Woozle when you are sleep deprived is not a good idea. It was fun though.

I had a wonderful surprise in the form of an email from a very dear old friend, Barbara. I was thrilled to bits but am too shattered to even think of trying to reply right now.

I'm going to bed with the plan of staying in bed until lunchtime tomorrow, bathing, then going to the cop shop to get Sean's wallet from their Lost Property. Michelle and my Mum are popping in at 5.

Terrie is thinking she might try to walk here in the afternoon, providing the weather is good enough to sit on garden walls when she needs to rest. She has been dreadfully unwell and has little strength. She used to do the equivalent of a Cross Channel swim for charity every year, but now she can't manage even a length. She used to work out in the Gym for several hours a day but she can't even walk as far as the Sport Centre now. She is pretty much housebound, so I'm not sure trying to walk as far as my house is a good idea. She will have to leave just before 4 (if she makes it in the first place)

Well, that's the plan. The Spanish have a marvellous proverb which means 'If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans'. Indeed.

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