Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wee Small Hours

I have had trouble staying asleep lately even though I take the correct dose of medicine prescribed by my doctor. I don't worry about it as there is no serious reason to get a set period of sleep. Sleep problems are common in ME. In the beginning it is almost impossible to stay awake yet one feels no better for it, just as it is in a dose of 'flu. You sleep because of an overwhelming and irresistible need to sleep but when you wake up you feel just as bad as you did when you started.

Later on in the illness, the "tired but wired" thing happens where the mind is too busy to quieten into sleep. One might not be worried; the thoughts are of a random quality but just busy enough to prevent sleep.

I woke just after 03h30 by vomiting in my sleep. Now my legs are restless and I have muscle twitching. My mind is tired and longing for sleep but I have too many bodily distractions for sleep to come. These things are not good news because they fit into a 'threat of relapse'

I wish I knew what to do about them. I want to 'walk away' the restless legs but they feel unresponsive as jelly after yesterday's anaesthetic. Sean wants me to go to Oxford this weekend. He has already paid for it but I truly doubt if I could manage it. I wonder if he could invite one of his sisters or his daughter. I will suggest it to him.

I wish I could find out how to control restless legs. Its driving me round the bend.

1 comment:

Mags said...

Hope you are feeling better Sue.
Blessings of Peace. Mags