Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Minor Surgery

I had my minor surgery in Canterbury Hospital today. It is such a nice hospital and the staff are not only competent and efficient but they are very pleasant and caring too. They were great.

I have promised to say how the visit affected my ME.

First, as I was a 'Day Case' I had to sit up for a few hours in a special lounge. I have often said that when I am ill, sitting up is very difficult and painful too. By the time I went into Theatre, I was sore, exhausted, nauseous and my temperature went up to just below 38 and my pulse was racing. Feeling like that made me look forward to the anaesthetic! I had told the surgeon that I had had two forms of brucellosis and as he had lived in Africa, he was able to reassure the other members of the team that that sort of reaction in that sort of situation is pretty normal.

I felt it was pointless cancelling the procedure as it would only have to be rescheduled and it is unlikely that I could ever go through it without some extra problems other patients would not have. I think that the fact that I am clinically anaemic has not helped very much either. I am at home in bed feeling nauseous. sore and very wobbly on my feet. I'll have a couple of quiet days in bed and please God, will start picking up soon.

I will see the surgeon again in two weeks. He said his preferred option of treatment was contraindicated according to what he saw so he is going to discuss Plan B with me then, whatever Plan B might be.

My Mum drove me there and looked after Wendy all day. Nigel fetched me and on Kate's instructions, took me to their house for a supper of Tuna Pasta Bake. He took me home and stopped off to get some cat food for my poor little pets. Michelle phoned for a nice chat and is coming here when she finishes work at 12 lunchtime tomorrow.

So everyone has been very sweet, thoughtful and kind. I truly appreciate it too. My problems must surely be a pain in the backside to other people and I'm full of gratitude for the blessing of contact with some very lovely and good people.

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