Saturday, October 02, 2010

Two jolly nice stories for a change

Ordinary motorcyclists are donating free time to courier urgent products to hospitals. They work with medical courier firm Serv (Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers). They receive no money at all, not even to cover their expenses.  We read so many horrific stories today, of cowardice, selfishness and unspeakable abuses.  Then stories like this come along and restore faith in humanity.

This story says "If a sick or premature baby is given donor milk instead of formula its chances of survival can increase up to ten times."  and you can read the story HERE

And there is a story of a Policeman who volunteers a couple of nights a month, delivering urgent blood, x-rays, donated baby milk and plasma.  The Police have had a bad press recently, what with one thing and another, so seeing a story about a Policeman selflessly doing some good is heartening.  The article details how this Voluntary service came about, and its an interesting one.  See it HERE

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