Thursday, June 03, 2010


Alida from South Africa came to stay with me for two nights, and yesterday afternoon we took the children to the park.  The weather was idyllic and both kids were in sweet moods and it was all very nice.  Alida said its the best day she has had this year.  She took a few photos on her mobile phone, and I'm going to post some here.

Wendy had a thing that let her blow loads of bubbles all at once.


Teresa doing her high speed crawl


A local lady offering Brak a drink of water


Wendy loves running, and actually needs to do it because she has so much energy that if she doesn't have a healthy outlet for it she becomes very difficult and moody.


All of us are in this picture


Teresa had a lovely time too.  Wendy played with her very nicely, and held her hands so that she could walk.  Wendy is very sweet with her sister.


As I said, it was an idyllic day.


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