Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today is National ME Awareness Day

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) is defined by the World Health Organisation as a neurological illness (WHO-ICD-10-G93.3). With at least 250,000 sufferers of ME in the UK alone, many of them children, ME is estimated as costing the UK economy £3.5 billion per year. ME is five times more prevalent in the UK than HIV/AIDS. 

At present there is no medical diagnostic test for ME and no known specific treatment or cure. The lack of support provided to sufferers by the medical profession is the cause of much frustration and emotional distress. It is not unusual for someone who is feeling extremely ill to be told "just forget about it and get on with your life" - as if the ill person had a choice. 

The varying symptoms experienced by many severe ME sufferers may include: - visual problems, vocal/muscular limitations, general chronic weakness of limbs, cognitive problems such as memory loss & concentration difficulties, brain fog, problems with balance and fine motor control, muscle pain, malaise, hypersensitivity to light & noise, sleep & temperature disturbance, cardiovascular symptoms, digestive disturbances, neurological disturbances. If you are an ME sufferer, or think you might have ME, get informed by logging on to: 

And here is a 6 minute video on ME in the Politics Show

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