Monday, June 09, 2008

Feeling Guilty about Grumbling

I just posted about all my electrical woes, but I have had a rethink.

My grandmother did not have electricity at all for much of her life. She had 5 children and had to draw water for all their washing, cooking, drinking and laundry requirements. Drawing water from a well then heating it to do so much laundry and then having to use a pair of flatirons to iron it all must have been terrible.

For younger readers, flatirons were heavy cast iron things. One heated up over the fire while the woman used the other one to do the ironing. When it cooled, she took the other flatiron off the fire to continue ironing with while the cooled one went on the fire to heat up again.

For most of her life, Grandma didn't have a washing machine. My grandfather was alive when the first air flight took place, and in his lifetime he saw men going to the moon.
Things have changed so much in the last hundred years. It is only in the last 40 or 50 years that people have things that they now consider "essential" but in fact, were not "essential" at all for thousands of years. We need to keep perspective in all this. I have done without stuff perfectly well in the past and I'm sure I will cope very well. I will buy more fresh food which is no bad thing and I will do whatever has to be done to adjust to the situation.

I'm off to pickle those green beans!

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