Sunday, November 05, 2006

Crawling up Auntie Michelle

Here is Madam Woo, crawling up Auntie Michelle. It almost looks like she is pinning her down.

After Girls Night In on Friday, Caelyn and Nigel ran out of petrol on the way home. They could not get onto the side of the road and Nigel was afraid another car might hit them even though he had his hazard lights on, so they got out of the car. The temperature was subzero and they had the baby with them of course. Caelyn phoned my Mum who was a star! Caelyn was really upset and frightened, but my Mum calmed her down. She turned up with a can of petrol to get them going again. Caelyn says she has never appreciated her gran so much in her life! She found it very reassuring, the way Josie turned up and quietly took charge of the situation.

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