Saturday, October 14, 2006


Caelyn says she feels like a frump because she
hasn't got nice clothes any more. It can be
demoralising for a new mother, especially
when she sees other young mums looking
better. They can't really afford a new
wardrobe for her, but when she explained
to Nigel how she was feeling, he listened,
and then offered to take her shopping for
at least one flattering outfit. She said that
the money would be better spent on the
baby or repairing the car, but Nigel felt
that Caelyn always puts her needs last and
that she needed a new outfit, and that is the
end of it.

Caelyn is very tall for a woman and has
unusually large feet so standard High Street
shops don't cater for her so shopping is
inevitably dispiriting and depressing. I
hope they find something nice for her that
they can afford. It is very difficult to get
reasonably priced FEMININE clothes for the
taller woman.

It seems that Elise and Ans have an
ongoing friendship. Ans asked Sean if
Elise could visit over the Christmas period,
and of course Sean agreed as he is very fond
of his Goddaughter. And after Christmas
they might pop up to Scarborough for a
while. They have to fit visits in during
university vacations.

Michelle went out tonight with her old
friend Gemma. They were meeting up
with two other girls. I hope they have a
marvellous time.

Oh yes, I nearly forgot. My ECDL
Certificate came yesterday. Well
Done me!


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