Tuesday, October 17, 2006

About Sophia Mirza's Matter

************** May Be Reposted ******************

Sophia Mirza's mother, Criona Wilson, today delivered her final batch of
complaints against the professionals who were involved with Sophia before
her death from M.E. at the age of 32.

Complaints have been lodged with the GMC against 5 doctors, the Nursing
Council against nurses at the psychiatric hospital and with the Social
Services directorate against the Social Worker responsible for arranging the
sectioning of Sophia.

The whole process has left Criona emotionally and physically drained (the
testimony to the GMC alone weighed 6lbs!) and I know that she wants this
action to make a difference to the lives of every pwme, not only in the UK,
but world-wide.

Please let others know what she is doing. Although she is not up to personal
contact at the moment she would like to know whether the ME community are
supportive. I said I was sure that would be the case.


Sue Waddle

Invest In M.E.

Charity number: 1114035


Sophia's terrible story and the account of her mother's struggle for justice and truth can be read here: http://www.investinme.org/mestorygallery2.htm

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